The service begins without prayer.

 Explain that this service is a very sobering occasion because we are reflecting on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.  It is also, however, a most encouraging service because it reveals the love of God for His people.  We are given this annual reminder of the glorious victory over sin that is ours because of the sacrifice of the only begotten Son of God.  Point out that those who participate in the service are expressing their faith in the death of Jesus Christ on their behalf, and renewing their commitment to let Christ live His life in them.

 Read and expound the following Scriptures.  You may add emphasis and examples where appropriate.

We are here to commemorate the Passover in the manner and pattern instructed by Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 11:23-30.  A summary of the New Testament Passover.

The final Passover of Christ consisted of 3 parts.

    1.   The Passover Meal.    The traditional meal of the slaughtered lamb--Which was a type of Jesus Christ.

    2.   The institution of the covenant symbols--The bread and the wine.

    3.   A Service of Humility.   Enacted by Jesus-- the washing of the disciples feet.

Matt 26:18-30

 John 6:32-58 (All).   Explain that these verses show that Christ came in the flesh and willingly gave His life to pay the penalty for our sins.  Point out that both the eating and drinking are directly associated with eternal life.


 1 Corinthians 10:16-17.   Emphasize that we become one Body by all partaking of the bread of life, Jesus Christ;  that Christ lives His life in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, making us part of the ONE BODY OF CHRIST—HIS CHURCH, THE BEGOTTEN FAMILY OF GOD.  The small piece of unleavened bread we eat symbolizes Jesus’ body broken for our sins.

John 6:38-58 Here we have the introduction of Christ's teaching that He is "the Bread of Life."

Luke 22:14-15; 19   We become one body by partaking of that bread of life.... who is Jesus Christ.  

Christ lived his life in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit....   that spiritual body of the Church of the living God.    The begotten family of God. 

1st  is the Spiritual--which we all have received. We trust that we have been spiritually healed.

2nd is the Physical...   when Jesus Christ was on earth, part of his ministry was demonstrating that he was indeed the Son of God, and that he had the power to forgive sin.... and part of that forgiveness was the healing of physical diseases.

This second aspect of Jesus’ sacrifice is the healing of physical diseases.

 1 Peter 2:20-24.    Note here that the context refers to an attitude of love toward others.  Christ’s suffering set an example for all Christians, that we should suffer for one another.  He willingly suffered tremendous pain and agony in the flesh in order that mankind might ultimately be released from the suffering that results from any and all sin.  Christ’s stripes were a part of His total, perfect sacrifice to pay the penalty for our sins.  Eating this unleavened bread at the Passover service demonstrates our total COMMITMENT TO GOD AND HIS WAY OF LIFE.

 Remove the napkin from the bread on the tray (or trays) and pray over it, asking God to bless it as a symbol of Christ’s body, broken for us.  This prayer should include the fact that Christ suffered for us and we must be willing to suffer as He did for righteousness’ sake.  Thank God for His love and all His mercies toward us.  Ask God to give us His mind and attitude of service, as members of the Body of Christ.  Then break the bread into small bits on the trays and have the deacons pass them to everyone.  After being served, each person should quietly and solemnly eat the small piece of bread.  The deacons should take a piece of bread from the tray they are passing. 


 Matthew 26:27-28
Hebrews 9:11-15

1 John 1:7

(Ephesians 1:7 and Colossians 1:20-22 if desired.)

 Then uncover and pray over the wine, giving thanks and asking God to bless it to this sacred use as the symbol of Christ’s blood, shed for the remission of our sins.  Thank God for giving us His Son to die for us, washing us clean that we might be reconciled to God.  Thank Him for Christ’s willingness to submit to His Father’s will, even unto death.  Then have the deacons serve the wine.  Each member should take a glass and quietly and reverently drink it.   It is a renewal of your acceptance of the blood of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins.  The deacons should then collect the glasses on the tray.  After they are returned, cover them and the unused bread again with the napkin.


 John 13:1-17.   Expound these verses to explain the attitude of humility and service Christ Himself displayed as an example to true Christians.  He also then commanded us to do likewise.   Supper being ended. v2.

 (At this point give any necessary instructions for an orderly footwashing service.  Men and women should be in separate rooms for the footwashing service.) 


 John 13:8 through John 17:26.   These are the words Jesus spoke to His disciples after His last Passover supper with them, just before He was seized to be taken and crucified.  Since it is rather long, you may, in advance of the service, mark certain portions of these chapters to be read instead of reading all of it.

 After this Scripture reading, lead in a hymn, preferably a Psalm, and dismiss.   There should be no closing prayer.  Possibly "In Thy loving kindness Lord."

After the service has ended
, and the people have left the hall, you should discard any portion of the bread and wine left over that was taken into the room for the service and had been blessed.  Only such wine or bread actually taken into the room and prayed over during the service need be discarded!  The WINE should be poured down the sink and flushed.  The BREAD should be incinerated/burned that evening.   It ought not be consumed or used for any other purpose after the service.